Still images from the film

Videoinstallation at Kunstnernes Hus. Documentation by Johan Andrén

Short film
21 min
19:6, Full HD

Synopsis: A married couple bought 20 hectare of land in 2004, with the vision of building a gated community in the small town of Nissafors, Småland, SE. They named the area Strandudden. 20 years have passed and they have built a wall around the area but there are still no houses built. The film talks about trust and mistrust, belonging and place. But also, what happens when what we dream about, doesnt come true?

Director: Sara Guldmyr

Soundmix: Hamid Waheed

Editor: Sara Guldmyr

Editorial support: Robert Carter

Music: “Vevet” by Marthe Lea Band, “Question the Answer” by Jonas Cambien

Video installation in the exhibition “Strangers, Friends and You”
Shown at Akademirommet, Kunstnernes Hus as part of FKDS scholarship holders programme.